This game is about a powerful wizard who, by circumstance and convenience, finds himself trapped in the body of a young girl who's mind is blended in to his unleashing his girly side but causing him to forget all the skills he learned through out his long life. He can fight against the change, trying to re-learn the magic he lost and reclaim a male body, or she can embrace her new life and become the princess she wants to be.
Well done so far. Very good dialogue - definitely looking forward to finding out the rest of the story!
Wow. The game is extremely short, but man is it looking good. Quality writing, interesting plot, and HD pictures(thank god). Definitely something to keep your eyes on.
As stated by the author it is still very short, but i really like what is here so far.
The pictures are nice and the idea where it is going really intruiging. Really looking forward to more :)
I really liked what there was so far, but there unfortunaely isn't too much. I'd say it's worth a go now personally, but it's also understandable if you want to wait until the game is a little longer. I just can't wait until it's fully fleshed out. I can't decide if I want to be a more elegant or girly princess or if I'll try to find a healthy middle ground.
good start, and wow you weren't jokeing on how short it is.