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Version: 1.1.0

Version: 1.0.0

Corrupting the Priestess

Hello everyone!

I have completed my first game and want to share it with the world. I tried to keep it as simple as possible since I am sure you all know the pain of playing a high reaching game but it stops somewhere in the middle because the author aimed too high and burned out. That said, I did write the equivalent of a small book (a little more than 200 pages) so there is plenty of content.

Made in unity. 

You slowly grind down the will of the beautiful priestess until she is willing to do anything you want.

You can download it here: http://www.hentai-foundry.com/pictures/user/Pyorgara/398129/Corrupting-priestess

Version 1.1

-Minor bug fix.

-Changed the file names to CtP.

-Made a "The End" button instead of using the sex one to remove confusion.

-Added an item to the store to help remove some end of the game grinding.

You play as Marcus, a very successful businessman that is about to foreclose on a church when a very tempting offer is dropped in his laps by Aliane, the gorgeous high priestess. 

Review by apewty

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 12/31/2018

This is actually very well made. Another review says it is grindy. I think that's true if you really tire of reading the descritions, and is exacerbated in that some of the events repeat. Regardless, it's still well written with very few syntax errors. I played it straight through, so it kept my interest. Well done!

Review by Volendi

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 03/20/2018

good game!  Kinda grindy, but the story was fun!  Simple, easy to follow, even when you skip through a bunch to get past your 20th week or so...  wish there was more to it!

Review by Pakhawaj

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 03/30/2017

I liked this game a lot.

People have been comparing this with Akabur's games, honestly I think this game is on par, and the wiriting is even better. There are so many different dialogues depending on her stats, it really made the grinding more fun.

Review by anyoldguy

Version reviewed: 1.1.0 on 01/24/2017

An entertaining game about gradually training a virtuous lady into a debased one. It's pretty linear but amusing in the same vein as Akabur's witch trainer/ princess trainer. Not as visual as many games here but the majority of the text is well written and titillating. Takes a handful of hours to play to completion. Replay value is pretty low because by the time you've completed the game you'll have read pretty much everything as long as you revisited the old locations enough when your self worth and reputation dropped to get the 'improved' encounters.

Review by hidir

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 01/18/2016

Everyone who submits their work in this site are in my good books, so I hope this doesn't discourage the developer. But some of the reviews here aggrevated me, and I cannot believe their sincerity. This is far from 'one of the best on here', and the suggertion is insulting to many a crude gem that lie around. This is hardly even a game, just a clickfest in an animated story.

If you honestly enjoyed this one, try Akabur's games. Those are in the same vein, but have far more polish, in user interface, in artwork, in storytelling, and in core mechanics. (They even suffer from the same ill of wasting far more time than is due, but I'd say the ratio is a lot better than this.)

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