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Adventure 4.33
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Adult Themes

Version: Adventure 4.33

Version: Classic v3.01

Version: Adventure 3.01

Version: Adventure 3.00

Version: Adventure 2.01

House of Pandemonium - Remastered

The links now contain Classic and Adventure downloads separately. OSX and Windows are merged together. Please download the correct version and game.

If you are interested in playing on Linux, please consult this post.

Classic Mode can be found in the downloads column under version 2.00, as it has not been updated since then.

The game now uses a public downloads folder, which has a changelog, the game, and demos of other projects by Bottled Starlight where applicable.


Runes of Pandemonium - Chapter 1/5 Update is now Public!

You can read more on this blog post. Chapter 1 got two new transformations, chapter 5 got one new transformation, both got new quests and NPCs and new field abilities. Most importantly a ton of bugfixes have been added from low-level
memory issues to high-level quest inconsistencies. Voice acting for combat is also now included.


Modmaker's Kit and Playable Scenario

Instructions can be found in this blog post. It must be downloaded separately and installed alongside the base game.



Classic Mode pits six humans in a mansion of endlessly respawning monstergirls. If they catch one, they will be transformed into a monstergirl themselves - and hunt down the other humans! Survive as long as you can!
Classic Mode is based off the game House of Pandemonium by Pashaimeru, aiming to re-create it with new options and monsters.

Runes of Pandemonium (formerly Adventure Mode) is a wholly original adventure game set in the world of Pandemonium. Split into six chapters (two are completed as of April 2020), our protagonists will face down destiny with the help of their mysterious runestones that allow them to transform themselves into any monstergirl form they've gained previously - usually by being transformed by a monstergirl they ran into!
Adventure Mode is an RPG with turn-based combat, exploration, stealth, dialogue with wacky characters, a bizarre obsession with cute animals, and of course, a hell of a lot of cute girls (and guys, later on!) kissing.

Modmaker's Starter Kit is a 15-20 minute long mini-adventure starring Nina, an elven hunter. It is meant as a sample for modmaker's to show how to access the base engine scripts when making addons. It has three playable routes, two transformations (Zombie and Mannequin) and lesbian love. It is a standalone that must be downloaded by itself, see above.


A few game screenshots, more here:

A combat photo showing a doll robot pointing a gun at a girl made of stars.A slimegirl stating she is not a slime. Nobody believes her.

Mei takes on a beegirl in 1v1 combat.A blue mothgirl in a bikini asks her police chief robot boss for more time to crack the big case.


What Transformations are in the game?

Chapter 1 contains the following transformations: Alraune, Bee, Ghost, Werecat, Slime, Corrupted Bee, Mannequin (x2!), Mushraune, Wisphag.
It also contains a lot of F/F, a bit of M/F, Mind Control, Corruption, Possession, Sub/Dom Dynamics, Vines, Slime Idiocy, Rennaisance Paintings, Original music by DrDissonance, Terrible Jokes,
Heaps of Violence, and one scene where you boop a corgi statue with a piece of paper. You use that paper to make a pie. I am serious.

Chapter 2 currently contains: Croatian, Living Statue, Werebat, Bunny, and Harpy. It will contain more soon.

Chapter 5 contains the following transformations: Golem, Latex Drone, Steam Droid, Eldritch Dreamer, Darkmatter Girl, Raiju, Mechanical Doll, Electrosprites, and Male-to-female.
It contains lots and lots of robot girls, dating a robot girl, robots dying, a text adventure game, horrible eldritch nightmare creatures, and giving birth to the universe by getting fingered in front of a black hole.
Yes, this game has some unique adult situations.

As of the Big Balance Patch v3.00, the game now also includes statue angels, horny mushroom alraunes, adorable little jellis, rubber, drinking heavily with a kitsune, and a robot detective.

The Chapter 1 Update added Wisphag and Mannequin.

The Chapter 5 Update added Secrebot.

Patreon, SubscribeStar, Blog

We have a Patreon to help fund development of Adventure Mode! Support the project!

We also have a Subscribestar if you want to use that instead! Support the project!

The game now has its own webpage, for those of you who want to keep up to date with development between patches. Dev posts will be (approximately) every Monday.

Classic and Corrupter Mode have received no updates. All the changes are in Adventure Mode.

If you need help getting the game to run, or understanding the gameplay, please see the associated forums thread. The blog now also contains a brief gameplay guide for how to play in 3D mode. If you want a guide to the new features of Corrupter Mode, click here.

Now on Steam and Itch.io

If you use these other storefronts (and who doesn't) then you can find this game on Steam and Itch.io.

Leaving reviews and wishlisting helps the algorithm move the game to the top, so do that!


In Adventure Mode, a waitress from Hong Kong finds herself transported to an alternate world filled with crazed cultists and monstergirls. As she struggles to find her way home, the mystery of a curious runestone she found will be revealed just in time for the chapter to end. Damn it.

In Classic Mode, there isn't a plot. Six ladies are tossed into a mansion, and none of them are getting out without something bad happening.

In Adventure Mode Chapter 1:

Mei - A waitress from Hong Kong. She has an unnatural grace with a sword despite never being in a fight in her life. Can you help her find her way home? No, because you're going to turn her into a plant or something.

Florentina - A smart-alec Alraune merchant. She seems quite eager to get out of the shop and apparently there's a price on her head.

Nadia - An Alraune who works as a guard at the trading post. Very friendly and innocent in the ways of the world.

Breanne - Charming and independent, she runs a hostel of sorts in the middle of the forest. She bakes a mean pie.

Cap'n Blythe - The hard-nosed head of the trading post mercenaries. He can give you some pointers on how to fight.

Rochea - Leader of the Alraunes in Evermoon forest, she embodies their way of life and joins new leaf-sisters. Has a bit of a history with Florentina.

Adina - A peaceful soul who is tending the salted earth in southern Evermoon. Has some sexy hypno scenes for the MC-fetishists out there.


In Chapter 5:

Chris Dormer - An English teacher in his mid 30's, descends from a long line of English Officers and Knights. Not comfortable with himself or his legacy, it's almost a relief to wake up in another dimension.

Unit 499323 "Sophie" - A mild-mannered repair golem working in Regulus City. Has a heart of gold and a naughty streak to boot.


To tell you anything else would probably spoil the hell out of it. Good luck.


Chapter Walkthroughs by Klaysee

Chapter 1: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1if3SFz_H6wCka83NzGmOhNV_KYvsTmYG/view

Chapter 2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cnkglpDiltZNtUqDUwDRS2OoMkoO2eZN/view

Chapter 5: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rNx4ttCSP-pRNlVuo_bUp2_xCJJY3XDw/view

Version 4.33
Please see this blog post for more information.

In addition, a changelog can be found in the downloads folder if you want specifics.

Review by Agent069

Version reviewed: Adventure 4.28 on 04/03/2024

This game... Is... Amazing(In my opinion). The first chapter was quite normal as I experienced some story, some transformation, and some exploration. Too much exploration for my tastes, but it was very fun, and I loved it. I went into chapter 5 (Only chapters 1 and 5 are completed at this time, to my knowledge), expecting the same, some story, some transformations, and a little too much exploration. But this is the first time in a long time that I felt my heart melting.... The story was fantastic, there was never a time where I had to explore for too long trying to find something. Unlike Chapter One, most things were intertwined. I loved it. I thought it could not get better, the story writing was a big step up from chapter one, immersing me in this wonderful world. I felt so many emotions, I found myself smiling, my heart melting, and I even found myself invested in the story. Then the ending arrived, and wow, I loved it. This game does not have transformation around every corner, but it is used enough and is a fun mechanic to keep me satisfied. In summary, chapter one was like a demo, it was short, introduced me, and got me curious. Chapter five was like a full-blown game on its own. I had so much fun, I loved the experience, and it just kept getting better and better.

Review by thenornt

Version reviewed: Adventure 4.26 on 03/19/2024

My favorite game on this site, and honestly of all time? Outside of the TF and adult situations this is still a good game with great characters, dialogue, and surprisingly fun combat and exploration. But then all the TF stuff is really damn good too somehow, this game just never misses in my experience. Honestly, I adore this game to bits, and I highly recommend anyone tries it out.

Review by Jarnhjarta

Version reviewed: Adventure 4.25 on 03/02/2024

Upon excitedly checking the page after I saw this game had been updated, I scrolled down to look at the reviews, thinking, "It's neat that other people are engaging with this game like it deserves. ... ¿Where's my review?; I don't really remember what I... ... Wait: ¿¡Have I not left a review!?"
Such is the case -- and, as I could not leave such an injustice in the world, here I am, about three minutes later (due to being a slow writer), writing this on the spot.

So: I fuckin' love this game. Not Classic Mode; I've poked around in it, and it seems to be the kind of thing that doesn't really do anything for me. But Adventure Mode... Well, both of the currently-available chapters¹ are among my favorite stories. (And I consume a lot of stories, 'cause they're my favorite thing, so that is a significant statement from me.)

The characters are... just great. I love them. They are interesting and entertaining, and have an abundance of interactions with eachother which I adore. And... that's most of what a story needs for me to love it. Add to that an interesting ludonarrative representation of transformation into monster-girls thruout the setting(s), and... you've got something really special.

Chapter 1 retains its place among my favorites due almost-entirely to the aforementioned strengths; the characters are great, and they're given ample opportunity to talk and react to things.

Chapter 5, however, firmly takes its place as what I think is my favorite story on this site.² In addition to having well-defined and endearing characters, it has a really good plot, with, like, themes and stuff. And, despite being more actively-grim in its subject-matter than Chapter 1, the Fifth Chapter still manages to maintain the fun and humor I loved about the First. So it's extra-impactful, while avoiding the trap of actually giving me a bad time when the plot's at its grimmest points.

So, ... I love this game. It's great, and, while I currently can't help provide monetary support to the developer, I really hope it's finished some day; that would contribute significantly to the total amount of joy I experience in life.



¹ I haven't played the Chapter 2 demo yet; I'm keeping that as a wonderful surprise for when the first story-complete version of it comes out.

² With the sole exception of The Last Sovereign, but I found that story elsewhere (and it only recently came to this site), so I don't really put it in the same source-category.

Review by aaaac

Version reviewed: Adventure 3.55 on 02/27/2022

Full disclosure: I like this game so much that in the time since my last review I became a lead bug tester on the game. I'm also a patreon. I'm close to the definition of a committed fan.

                This is a much changed version of house of pandemonium. The game is now split into two modes. Classic mode is a turned based arcade experience where you attempt to resist being transformed by monsters spawning into a mansion. This is fitting the classic experience, and is arguably surpassed by the more modern "pandemonium classic: unity edition". That refines the arcade formula and the author has mentioned that they'd like to retrofit a lot of those features back into this version of classic eventually.

                I didn't like the original version because it was unwinnable by design. This new version is a more traditional adventure game, where the protagonist gets transported to another world.

                The writing is darling, the protagonists are charming and the transformation scenes are well written with a good number of transformations. I found myself getting really invested in the plot and characters which is a credit to the author. Uniquely the game doesn't end when you get transformed, instead you get to run around in your transformed form. More games should do this.

                This is very much a game where the it doesn't consider itself a porn game. The porn is there as a cherry on top. The best porn games are this way. My complaint originally was that combat was fairly simple, the author has since then reworked combat entirely to be a much deep and much more enjoyable system.

                Every form now has it's own abilities and combat role, and most characters can change forms in combat. This adds some much needed depth and reliability.

                Also, to it's credit is the movement system. Instead of rpg maker tile movement, you can just run around avoiding enemy view cones. It's hard to say just how much this improves my enjoyment of the game. The environments and large and fun to explore.

                Fair warning it’s not structured around sexual content, it’s structured around transformation content. There is a little bit of sex but it’s sparse. Instead, it's all about finding forms and getting sexily transformed.

                I cannot recommend this game enough. Quick! Go to the steam page and wishlist and play it. It's free and amazing.

Review by DS2

Version reviewed: Adventure 3.50 on 01/02/2022

Major TF Theme: Human Female to Monster Girl (some MtF at the beginning)

Even though Monster Girl TFs and MtF contents are not my things, I still recommend this game since it has decent artwork and interesting game mechanics. Unlike other games where BE triggers when you get TFed, House of Pandemonium encourages its players to get TFed into more forms and utilize their special powers to get through challenges.

Total Games: 2,280
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,620
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,102,283

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