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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.2.0

Version: 0.1.9

Version: 0.1.8

Version: 0.1.7

Version: 0.1.6a

Version: 0.1.5

Version: 0.1.4a

Version: 0.1.3a

Version: 0.1.2

Version: 0.1.0a

Friend Trainer

One day you're looking to get a submissive slave, your childhood friend has had a crush on you for a long time and rejects the idea.  With you not being interested in a proper relationship with her and her fear of losing you to another woman she reluctantly agrees to become your slave.  Your job is to train her and modify her body to become your ideal slave. 

Gameplay consists of 3 actions a day.  Your slave will start as defiant and over time become reluctant and eventually submissive.  Each level has some variation in dialog and some scenes.  This alpha is light on content but more is being added.  Future gameplay will have more sex scenes, random events, locations, clothing and possibly more.

Saves should be compatible between versions except maybe if there's a major change in game mechanics.  Skip to the next day on new versions so the game can check that variables are properly set.

If you try the game please leave some feedback in the discussion thread

Polls will be run from time to time as needed in the discussion thread

Review by Hausu

Version reviewed: 0.2.0 on 01/03/2018

This game appears to be dead, so it hardly matters at this point, but I eally don't get the obedience system in this game at all. Punishing and rewarding your slave both seem to result in loss of obedience. Most days obedience resets to zero regardless. Literally the only thing that seems to raise obedience is going to the spa. As I understand it, you have to raise her obedience level to see half the content, but I'm on day twenty and I can't seem to get off the starting point. Maybe I missed something, but it's a real downer for a game with a great premise and pretty decent writing.

Review by Sissy lipstick

Version reviewed: 0.2.0 on 12/16/2017

if you use the word ye in place of you you have no right to bash for grammer 

Review by madmel

Version reviewed: 0.2.0 on 12/15/2016

very enjoyable game


Cuckold is what a woman does to a man, cuckquean is what a man does to a woman

Review by bearclaw01234

Version reviewed: 0.2.0 on 08/03/2016

So far i'm only at Day 18, Night. As i have seen up to this point: Good Storyline (could be a bit more deeply descriptive, because as it stands now.. it feels more like ye are reading a book rather than playing a game), Plotline (good for the basic style of the game but could benefit from more twists & such),  Spelling is good (i haven't noticed any problems here as of yet, Grammar, sub-par at best (example: "As you walk forwards a large white painted metal blast door slides to the side allowing you entry."  It should be: As you walk forward, a large white-painted metal blast door slide to the side allowing you entry.  The word forward doesn't need an "s" at the end of it & ye should use a "-" in between the word white & the word painted, as they are both describing the metal blast door).  There are many grammatical errors like this that i have witnessed so far.  They don't distract from the story, i point them out only because i pay attention to the small details as well as the whole picture (& yes i know i don't use great grammar when i write comments & such, but i'm not writing a story..  if i was then that would be a different matter entirely).  The Obedience factor is problematic:  ye punish or reward & half the time the Obedeince goes down (if ye punish then shouldn't it go up?!).  It gets to be an irritating struggle just to keep it from constantly going down whatever ye do.  Personally i'd say ye should make it so that the Obedience level doesn't go down unless ye do an action or event that reasonably makes it decrease (it's irritating & pointless that ye are training a slave & ye get obedience points during the day just to see them decreased after ye sleep.  They SHOULDN'T decrease automatically.  Think about it- if ye are a teacher to a student, does your authority automatically decrease overnight or is it the same as it was the day before?! 

I do very much like this game so far (even with the grammar & problems with Obedience points) & i am enjoying myself within it.  Once i finish with the current version then i'll finish this review.

Also, ye might want to use correct words to describe actions-  one such word is Cuckold (ye are using the word Cuckqueening, which isn't even a real word.  Whereas Cuckold IS a real word & describes the exact same action that ye meant for the inccorect word Cuckqueening).

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.1.8 on 06/04/2016


Last review still accurate, with some of the new random encounters and secondary slave interaction options being interesting. Noticed that the height stat on the information card section no longer displays anything if your slave starts as "Very Tall."



Limited in its current release right now, but the potential is there.

Story is limited to a few weekly interactions and limited number of rotating random event possibilities, but it is nothing that isn't interesting to read off the current writing. I haven't seen any glaring spelling mistakes or grammar errors, but if anyone spots them feel free to comment in your own review. The game in its current state is limited to standard TF & TG changes without anything additional being possible (i.e. significant body manipulation "off the norm"), but shows what it could be capable of with some future work.

Difficult to really pin this one down as this time as after you've gone through the first 60 days of game time everything ends up on a loop cycle. It's made worse if your starting body state is already at the current maximum levels, as there is no incentive for any TF/TG changes because there is nothing greater than that withheld from you.

Worth a go. Just be aware of it being very early development.

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