Currently there isn't really any content. This is just a demo of the mechanics and what little of the story I've written so far.
Entertaining start, but still very incomplete. There's a few minor spelling errors, but nothing too annoying. Still lots of "doubleclick this passage to edit it" places, and returning from your invenotry does not yet work correctly.
I find this plot pretty entertaining. Few mistakes in writing but nothing horrible. As for now I give it 7/10. Would want next update right now :P
Not bad as of yet, still is in very early dev so don't expect many paths or for them to lead far. The frame work is there for a decent adventure and should be relativley easy for the author to add content at their own pace going forward. The grammar and spelling is in good shape and could only use polish rather than some games that need major surgury. Definitely one to keep an eye out for in the future!