The Maid is transformation text adventure written in the ADRIFT engine by Tina B.
You are an unemployed, girlfriendless guy in need of some help. You need a maid desperately, but you can't afford one obviously. You've heard the latest news of an affordable robot maid from a company called Maid Laboratories. Perhaps you can find their phone number and contact them. You are still friends with your ex-girlfriend, Tina. She got fed up with cleaning up after you, and when you got laid off from your last job, she had enough of trying to help you. She still has left a few clothes lying around your house that she wants to pick up. She said she'd be giving you a call before she comes over though.
You have to find some sort of job and make some money, get your house cleaned up one way or another. Having a robot do it sounds great to you.
No walkthrough but some hard guessed commands:
talk to alexandra
ask about cash
ask about pay
ask about dress codes
ask cassie about job
kiss misty
rub breasts
rub pussy
lick pussy
lick breasts
fuck misty
lost to the winds of the internet