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Version: 0.4

The Strange Tale of Doctor Wilkins

The Strange Tale of Doctor Wilkins is a transformation text adventure written in the ADRIFT engine by NandiBear.

From the journal of Doctor Wilkins

13th November 1887

It was during the winter of 1886 that I came across the latest work of Robert Louis Stevenson, the Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. Being an avid reader of Gothic fiction and its ilk I eagerly read the story captivated by it central presence. For it became apparent that Doctor Jekyll, and I'm afraid I must spoil the ending, for Mister Hyde is in fact a monstrous transformation of Doctor Jekyll bereft of all morals, was based on a real person.

For something in the story caught my attention and after a search through several medical journals, including the Lancet, confirmed my suspicion that Doctor Jekyll story was actually based on a true event. Through a mutual contact at my Gentleman's club I managed to discover the real Mister Utterson (I shall not use there real names to protect there identities), who after I assured I would not abuse the information, allowed me to view Doctor Jekyll research.

Reading through the Doctor research I could determine that the good doctor was a genius, and though his later notes lacked the impartial edge requires, due to his condition, his earlier note contained the information to reconstruct the experiments.

I concluded two things that the good Doctor had missed:

1. That without a template of a person's essence, the body would produce independently it own transformation cells. These T-cells change a person into a lower form of man, a violent missing-link creature, like Mister Hyde. With enough of the tincture this change would become more frequent and eventually would become permanent.

2. Even using another's essence, the tincture would still bring out the baser urges in a man, when set free with Doctor Jekyll tincture.

The first point was easily solved by providing a base template to avoid the corruption of another's essence. The second was more troublesome. I thought at first of travelling abroad to find a primitive tribe uncorrupted by modern society, innocent to the ways of hate and violence.

But then a more practical source hit me, that of womankind. As natural nurturer and carers, and of a nervous and timid condition, they were unable to form an aggressive thought or deed. The perfect solution.

After testing this principle on lower life forms successfully I knew that the next stage was to test this on a human subject. I couldn't with good conscious test this new tincture on anyone else by myself. After completing a Base Tincture, to return me to my normal self in case of any unforeseen circumstances. All that was left was to extract the essence of a suitable woman.

In one of those moments of serendipity, at that moment my House keeper, Mary, informed me that I had a guest my sister Rose.

Though a silly girl, prone to sob and swoon at the slightest misfortune, she was both my sister and a good source of essence (though if necessary I could use that of my Housekeeper Mary). All I have to do is listen to and help her solve her trifling problems.

Review by khrissi

Version reviewed: 0.4 on 03/09/2017

Cannot download ,,asks for decryption key

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