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TF Themes

Version: 2

Gender Game Show

Gender Game Show

You were selected to compete on a game show. There is the opportunity to walk away with prizes, but you are putting your very masculinity on the line.

Currently the game has two rounds, Hangman and Trivia. Another round will be added.


Change Log

This game was formerly just Hangman, but I added another piece to it.

I also changed the version to Concept to reflect that it is now an incomplete game show game.

Changes were made to the Hangman portion based on the reviews I received.



This is a first attempt at making a game, so suggestions and feedback are highly desired.

Please leave a review below.


There are 100 words between four and six characters that may show up.

Most of the words have some form of sexual connotation.

Others were chosen for their difficulty, so be ready to use a Q, X, or Z if you are not getting anywhere.


There are five rounds, and five potential questions that could be asked each round.

Review by shiron222

Version reviewed: 2 on 01/13/2017

Great concept, and the improvements you've added are cool. There are a few things that I feel would make it better, however. Integrating a story into the mix would help give the game more life. I can't speak for other people but having a story (as detailed as you can handle making it) makes the game feel more worth playing. If you've ever played the Transformaniatime gameshow you would understand what I mean. On both an erotic (and not erotic) level having a description of the changes and a personality/backstory to the character is great. Currently the character feels less like a person and more like a doll. That leads me into the next suggestion. Find a way to use art other than Kisekae. There are certain advantages to using it that I can't deny. Some people enjoy seeing that style, and it's easy to make consistent characters. The art is clean and simple, and you don't need to go through the effort of finding art that feels consistent, getting permission to use it, then adding it in. If you are willing to take the time to find art positives of switching outweigh the negatives. Using art that others have made by hand makes the characters feel more alive. Oftentimes really good anime-style art (whether it's clean to the most hardcore hentai) manages to capture motion, emotion, and life. Being able to see a person's reaction is for me one of the important aspects of TF (again I can't speak for others though I'm sure some might agree). The only other thing I can think of is multiple characters. Having multiple characters to choose from, with a multitude of personalities, types of TFs and backstories really makes a game connect with more people.



The art style isn't something that is definitively good or bad. Some people enjoy it, others don't. Please don't take my suggestion to change the style of graphics a criticism of your tastes if it is something you genuinely prefer. I've said all I feel I need to so I'll leave it off here. I can't wait to see what you come up with next and I hope you continue working on this idea.

Review by jjars898

Version reviewed: 2 on 01/13/2017

It was great until I got to the end.

Where is the reset button?! If you get a game over, you get stuck on the last page forever.

Review by sathirran

Version reviewed: Beta on 01/09/2017

Not bad, but there is room for improvement.

  • The image is a bit too small for my taste.
  • It can be difficult to keep track of which letters you've guessed already, which can be annoying since nothing stops you from guessing the same letter over and over again. This could be fixed by changing the color of the letters instead of listing the guessed letters below the selections
  • Obviously it's short and there isn't much payoff, but there is some replayability

Review by y3roc42

Version reviewed: Beta on 01/09/2017

Good for a start.  I would recommend using longer words or even phrases and also preventing people from reselecting the same letter either by removing it or not accepting the input.

Review by Shoggoth on the Roof

Version reviewed: Beta on 01/07/2017

In addition to adding content beyond "you win" and "you lose," it would be nice if the picture was increased in size so that the transformations were more obvious.

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