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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
0.5.18(a) - School Tests & Toilets Update
Orig PC Gender

Version: 0.5.18(a) - School Tests & Toilets Update

Version: 0.5.17(a) - Interrupts & Wardrobes Update

Version: 0.5.16(a) - School Encounters Update

The Repurposing Center

The Repurposing Center

Note: This game contains content customisation, letting you enable only the fetishes you want to experience

The Repurposing Center Banner

About "The Repurposing Center:

"The Repurposing Center" is an interactive erotic fiction about a dystopian not too distant future in which undesirables are carted off the streets by government capture vans so they can be repurposed into something more valuable to society. You find yourself in this very situation, trapped within the facility, being changed both physically and mentally to suit the whims of potential buyers who are your only way out. The game is a sandbox life simulator within "The Repurposing Center" where players will need to partake in work, training and socialization in order to secure themselves a happy ending when they finally place themselves up for auction.

Important Links:

Patreon Link

SubscribeStar Link

Discord Link

Official Wiki: Here

Official Website: Here

Foxtalestimes: Here

F95Zone: Here

Features in development:

  • Pet Play & ABDL Trainer overhaul
  • Feminization/Sissy Trainer
  • Various date-able NPC's (Dr Radcliff, Villin, and Tilly)
  • Auction System (endings)
  • Training for dominance and submission
  • Lactation & Degradationist content (with minor work on ABDL)
  • Home expansions/upgrades
  • New Roommate/Slave options
  • Punishment System ovehaul

The current build is currently at 2,258,435 words and 2933 passages

Change Log:

- School rework.
- After school rework.
- Mei the cat-girl deg brothel scene (Submitted by Joyjoi)
- School evening interrupt trigger.
- School exhib prostitution interrupt scenes x 6.
- School exhib prostitution interrupt spotted scene mechanic.
- School Fem/Sissy Trainer panty check interrupt scene.
- School Fem/Sissy Trainer panty check interrupt witness check scene. 
- School watersports interrupt scene.
- School watersports interrupt witness check scene.
- School wet underwear interrupt scene.
- School mess underwear interrupt scene.
- School wet + mess underwear interrupt scene.
- School underwear interrupt witness check scene.
- School testing start.
- School testing main for 8 tests.
- School testing end.
- School testing skip.
- School options page access.
- School locker room outfit changing access.
- School toilets access.
- School vending machine access.
- School toilets use mouthwash scene.
- School toilets use toilet scene.
- School toilets underwear change scene.
- 8 x 3 qualification traits.
- School lactation gains.
- School cum production.
- School bimbo exp from wearing bimbo outfits.
- School exhib exp from wearing exhib outfits.
- 1 new Silverjile image.
- Art gallery updated.
- Dorm vending machine normal drink bug fix.
- A few minor bug fixes.

Hope you have fun :)

Community Game:

There is no current community game. Maybe again in the future if there's interest ^_^

Hosted Version:

(Out Of Date) The Repurposing Center: Public Build -> can be found hosted here (big thanks to al4nw31)

Final Comments:

If you enjoy the game please drop a review, a like or a comment. If you want to help support the author why not check out the linked Patreon account or our SubscribeStar account (https://subscribestar.adult/jpmaggers-games). If you find any problems or have some suggestions then please drop me some feedback, it is gratefully accepted. Just remember to play nice, devs have feelings too.


Jpmaggers :)

"The Repurposing Center" is an interactive erotic fiction about a dystopian not too distant future in which undesirables are carted off the streets by government capture vans so they can be repurposed into something more valuable to society. You find yourself in this very situation, trapped within the facility, being changed both physically and mentally to suit the whims of potential buyers who are your only way out. The game is a sandbox life simulator within "The Repurposing Center" where players will need to partake in work, training and socialization in order to secure themselves a happy ending when they finally place themselves up for auction.

Agent Davis: The agressive processing agent - interested in submissive girls

Dr.Radcliff: Your facility assigned doctor - interested in girls who want transformations

Tilly: Bimbo resident - interested in girls who want to have fun

Jake/Jess: Fellow new inmate - interested in friendly and supporting players

Mr Qwick: Large balding glory hole owner - interested in anyone who works hard at his glory-hole

Anna: Submissive hairdresser and owned by Mr Qwick - interested in anyone

Ashley: Exhibitionism tutor - interested in exhibitionists that she tease and play with


Co-operating during initial processing will lead to the option for an additional transformation treatment.

The players interactions with the agent processing them will determine if he has a sex scene with them, and if he does have a sex scene whether it's a positive or negative one.

Main Sandbox:

Many factors affect pay output from jobs, in general the more feminine you are (including feminine traits like breast size) and the more skilled you are, the better you get paid.

Review by Izabelle

Version reviewed: 0.5.18(a) - School Tests & Toilets Update on 06/23/2024

There's a lot to love about this game, which is why I keep coming back to it over and over, but the game isn't without its flaws. The Repurposing Center is a highly customizable experience where you can experience what you want and how you want to, within reason. There are certainly some "meta" choices that make your life much easier, though (such as becoming a Hucow, which is insanely lucrative). The only real drawback to the level of customizability is that choosing one option doesn't preclude you from choosing another, even if the two should theoretically clash. It can certainly water down the experience, but in my experience, it doesn't make it bad. Despite what I say in this review, I still recommend the game. It's genuinely well made, and I enjoy it.

The written content that's available is great. That being said, this game takes a rather breadth-first approach to content. There are a lot of options and potential story paths, but most of them are incomplete. New features and content are constantly the focus of each update, rather than finishing existing content. As a result, the gameplay becomes stale. It quicly becomes apparent where the creator has run out of content, as nothing new happens, and you're often just stuck in a loop of doing the same things over and over with no real progress.

Some examples:

  • The mystery behind the Repurposing Center remains completely unsolved, and any of the information you gather about it is just there for flavor right now, rather than having any impact on the game, even if your knowledge of these things could affect your interactions with specific characters such as Tony Bosco, the guards, the Beauty Goo people, or the AI. You get leaked documents as part of an optional questline where you gift body enhancements to a fox girl, but the information doesn't give you any advantage. It's just kind of there.
  • The new School system feels like an idea for an entirely different game, rather than part of the Repurposing Center. In some ways, it even replaces parts of the original gameplay loop, despite being incomplete, with options that literally do nothing (such as being forced to be in kindergarten, which does nothing except change some text at the beginning of content, and then puts you right back into the current "core" school gameplay loop).
  • The Trainer system has been incomplete and in "overhaul" for a very long time now, while new side content continues to be added. Given the choice, I'd rather see the school deleted for now in favor of the trainers being fleshed out and serving a real purpose.
  • The Relationship system seems to be incomplete or completely forgotten. Maxing out a relationship doesn't really do anything. Perhaps it has some end-game impact, but when there isn't much of an endgame to speak of (most of the endings are incomplete), it makes forming these relationships pointless when very little new content is unlocked as a result.

This isn't meant to be a dig at the creator of the game. They clearly have a lot of passion for this creation. I think, though, that that passion needs to be focused into completing the core game before any new content is added.

Review by TheMagicalGurl

Version reviewed: 0.5.17(a) - Interrupts & Wardrobes Update on 04/30/2024

A consistently high quality text based game that is highly customizable and fun. Been following for months now. Good work.

Review by Kionatria

Version reviewed: 0.5.9(a) - Posters & Fixes Update on 01/09/2023

I believe that there is a bug with the Potty training/skill: it constantly gets reset. Let's say that a char trains to Expert level. Then a day passes and you try to continue training, but you suddenly have Trained level, and you need to re-level the skill to Expert. It wouldn't be such an issue if the training wasn't so expensive: 3k GGP for a single training session at expert level is an obscene amount of money to pay for it, and while you can get plenty of money via hucow breeding if you take Multiple Pregnancies mods, 9k GGP per day(if you train three times a day) is still ridiculously high. A fix for the skill reset would be welcome, but a training cost reduction is borderline needed.


Also, if you take the Natural Submissive background, it's practically impossible to level the Dominant skill. Maybe a Dominant skill training could be useful, but not exactly a must-have.

Review by harleythompson

Version reviewed: 0.5.3(a) - Tilly Romance & Outfit Update on 04/27/2022

i just generally really enjoy the game, and every update usually adds new, exciting, and good content

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 0.4.21(a) - Impreg & Man Milk Update *Poll* on 08/02/2021

It has a lot of potential, and whats currently in the game is great, but it still has a ways to go. One thing l love about it is the free form nature of the game. By that I mean, you're given a good list of possable starts (Poor guy captured, Rich girl signing up, And a few other starts that only make sense in this games setting.) and you can go at your own pace, and you get as much (or as little) control over your transformation as you want, and end the game whenever you want.

That said, it does still have some problems that need fixing, and some things l feel should be added. For example, 1:When youstart the game, you can choose to start as a male, or female. Howevr, the male option talks about getting dolls and dress', where as the female got action figures and "trainers" (a type of running shoe). However, this strange switch only effects the first paragraph of dialogue.

2: I'm fairly sure that there're no footwear in the game. Like, I may just be missing something, but I haven't found any Shoes/heels/boots, socks/stockings/pantyhoes/ect. Nothing to cover the feet. Which l hope is fixed in a future update (Tl;dr, Add a shoe/footwear store if you haven't already) To be fair, i'm not sure how much of a demand there is for shoes to be added, but I find it weird going around such a place barefoot. 

3: n the side bar (where your stats are) There is a thing labled "conditions" With pictures under it. however, l have no idea what they mean, and there's nothing in game that tells you. Therefore, i'd like to ask that a list of the condition pictures with their respective meanings be added to the game, such as in the "hints/tips" section.

Total Games: 2,198
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 20,990
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 4,887,581

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