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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 3.0.0alpha

Version: 2.1.0alpha

Version: 2.0.1alpha

Version: 2.0.0alpha


Mageiromancer is a text-based RPG telling the fantastic story of an amorous magical cook. A fantasy world, political intrigue and romance options with a lot of shameless, promiscuous eroticism. Gather ingredients and prepare special recipes which will transform your body. Make love to a large selection of characters, friends and enemies alike.


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Current Status of Development

I have been working on this game for some time now and want to get some feedback on the direction of the game, GUI and overall feel. Expect lots bugs and incomplete features. When you encounter a bug if you can kindly save a copy of the log file and send it to me, it would be a big help.

Roadmap Summary

TFItems and Over-time Status Effects, Gradual Transformation
Improved GUI, item and spell icons
Cooking (Mixing transformative items)
NPC schedules and roaming npcs.
Improved AI and NPC factions, Reputation System
NPC Trader
Traits and skills from specific TF
Player jobs
Pregnancy and kids
Traveling to other lands
2D Character View (This is only possible with the community support)
Modding Support (Translate the game, add custom content etc.)

3.0.0 alpha (Major release: Saves from previous version are not supported!)

New Story Content and locations

Added internal systems for physical transformations. (New items will be added in the upcoming versions)

Added dialogue options to remove party members.

Added Extended character stats for the player

Added Stats panel

Added Bed to player home ("Use" interaction puts player into sleep)

Added Current Location display

Added Leveling system and experience reward if a party member incapacitates an enemy

Added Gold drops from loot


Changed the way map cells are serialized. Now only modified cells are saved which should reduce version conflicts.


Fixed player being able to target itself during combat

Fixed player being able to change time mode during character creation

Fixed Theodore's food quest

Fixed some spelling mistakes

Fixed scene fade-in/fade-out animation

Various other bug fixes and internal improvements

2.1.0 alpha

Added response hotkeys

Reduced delay between subtitles

Fixed Inventory and Quest panel order

Fixed Heal stacking

Fixed main stats going above limits

Fixed TF dominant gene changing multiple times from a single vector

Fixed description tags during combat


2.0.1 alpha

Fixed Inventory Panel hiding cursor

2.0.0 alpha
Bug fixes
Overtime status effects
Transformation system
New story content

1.0.2 alpha
Bug fixes

1.0.1 alpha
Dialogue and Quest fixes

Total Games: 2,180
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 20,739
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 4,806,583

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