
You have 0.98 points to spend.

TF Lottery Information

Current Pot Size: 36500 points
Tickets Purchased: 355
End Date: September 22, 2024

Purchase Tickets

You have purchased 0 tickets and are able to purchase 10 more tickets.

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Here are the results of the last 10 lottery drawings:

able.j won on September 15, 2024
john000_98 won on September 08, 2024
lilvike won on September 01, 2024
blackeclipse7 won on August 25, 2024
moonhead won on August 18, 2024
able.j won on August 11, 2024
zen477 won on August 04, 2024
Montelgon won on July 28, 2024
GhosTQuanta won on July 21, 2024
Kevjoh won on July 14, 2024