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 » Welcome to the TFGamesSite IGDB!

This database contains the games that were originally found in the wiki and the forums, but in a nice, clear, and concise format that is easily searched. Forum members may add new game listings, write reviews, hold contests, and much more.

 » Featured Community Favorites

   SugarDaddy for HTML by lmsmolly has 497 likes from the community
   Bells and Whistles for SRPG Studio by icarue has 291 likes from the community
   Manor for Unity by throwawaylady has 238 likes from the community
   Cowgirl/Hucow Apocalypse for Unity by Squeaky Doelly has 175 likes from the community
   The Year of Changes for HTML by MadNeck has 134 likes from the community
   Strange phone for Ren'Py by ErnestoQSP has 102 likes from the community
   Magical Panty Raid for RPG Maker VX Ace by Goopy has 93 likes from the community
   Playing Both Sides for RPG Maker MV by Ailius1 has 90 likes from the community
   Space Ditz for RAGS by Dollmistress has 79 likes from the community
   Bull's Run for HTML by Blauz. has 66 likes from the community
   Corruption of the Natural Order for HTML by nxx has 64 likes from the community
   Villain for TADS 3 by CleoKraft has 42 likes from the community

 » Recent Game Submissions

   BingusBangus has released Zendaria's Corruption on 03/10/2025 for RPG Maker MV
   FemboyTemptation has released Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/08/2025 for Ren'Py
   Sorrow has released Chance Encounter on 03/05/2025 for Ren'Py
   SuperCali has released Trapped In Paradise on 03/02/2025 for HTML
   Ascension Simulation has released GODDESS MAKER “Lab of God” on 02/28/2025 for Ren'Py
   Breezes has released Diapergatory on 02/28/2025 for Ren'Py
   SpellboundSins has released Spellbound Sins on 02/26/2025 for RPG Maker MV
   LollipopSissy has released Sissy Tales Chapter Three on 02/23/2025 for Ren'Py
   fixers has released Silent Steps of Transformation on 02/21/2025 for HTML
   DesiDee has released T.G.I.F. on 02/18/2025 for HTML
   SissySweetgames has released Seeking Employment on 02/16/2025 for HTML
   Blauz. has released Corvin von Haugwitz on 02/16/2025 for HTML

 » Recent Game Updates

   Sunfall has updated Friends of Mine on 03/12/2025 for HTML
   Unlikely has updated Hard Times in Hornstown on 03/12/2025 for HTML
   daviezwei has updated Healslut on 03/12/2025 for Ren'Py
   SissySweetgames has updated Seeking Employment on 03/12/2025 for HTML
   LollipopSissy has updated Journey Into Sissyhood on 03/12/2025 for Ren'Py
   Deimus has updated Town of Magic on 03/12/2025 for Ren'Py
   PepperParon has updated Friendly Town on 03/12/2025 for HTML
   BingusBangus has updated Zendaria's Corruption on 03/11/2025 for RPG Maker MV
   lilysauce has updated Transportal on 03/11/2025 for RPG Maker MZ
   kokopelli has updated X-Change™ Life on 03/10/2025 for HTML
   BananaStroke has updated Rogue Femme on 03/10/2025 for Unity
   CodeGremlin has updated Change of Truth on 03/09/2025 for HTML

 » Latest reviews from the community

   alwaysagirl reviewed Zendaria's Corruption on 03/11/2025
   jayce113 reviewed Zendaria's Corruption on 03/11/2025
   silverhammermax reviewed Zendaria's Corruption on 03/10/2025
   GreyWolfCataphract reviewed The Hellfire Club on 03/10/2025
   TooManyTeeth reviewed Clean Slate on 03/10/2025
   Fanna reviewed The Order of Light on 03/10/2025
   jaded132 reviewed Change of Truth on 03/10/2025
   Max5667 reviewed Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/10/2025
   dbmanga reviewed Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/09/2025
   TotallySane reviewed Thread: A Tale of Identity, Monsters, and College on 03/09/2025
   tdog921 reviewed Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/08/2025
   FemboyTemptation reviewed Temptation: Become Femboy on 03/08/2025

Total Games: 2,272
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,601
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,082,723

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