Odd Office |
Storm |
2024-10-03 |
PG |
81 |
Unreal Engine |
M2F MC |
Monster Suiter |
LionOhDay |
2024-10-01 |
PG |
59 |
Other |
Invol MC Other Corr Object |
Kamen Rider 63 |
PViewer |
2024-09-09 |
PG |
38 |
RPG Maker MZ |
M2F Vol |
Familiarity |
Kiana |
2024-06-28 |
PG |
177 |
AR F2M M2F Anthro Vol |
Sleepover Shift |
LordOcin |
2024-06-20 |
PG |
31 |
M2F Fem |
Bikini Armour RPG |
Tinn |
2024-04-05 |
PG |
141 |
Other |
Swap BE F2M Grow Invol M2F Other Poss Shrink Myth Vol |
Sleepover Makeover |
dragonfire89 |
2024-03-29 |
PG |
788 |
AR Invol M2F Slow MC |
Passing Into Fantasy |
Ailius1 |
2024-02-15 |
PG |
16 |
Other |
F2M Other Object Vol |
Grand Larceny Tales: The Underground Cathedral |
LabChurros |
2023-11-21 |
PG |
5 |
Unreal Engine |
Grow Invol Slow Shrink |
My Mad Scientist Roommate Turned Me Into Her Personal Robotic Battle Maiden?!? |
Zetsub |
2023-11-06 |
PG |
46 |
Unreal Engine |
Invol M2F MC Shrink Robot |
Seven Dwarves (A Yonyon Game) |
Leina |
2023-08-24 |
PG |
86 |
RPG Maker MV |
Invol M2F |
(Satsuki) Alice in the Darkness (Demo) |
kmalloc |
2023-08-12 |
PG |
90 |
Other |
Swap Invol M2F MC Myth |
(Yonyon) Nyotaika Janken |
kmalloc |
2023-08-11 |
PG |
116 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AR BE Invol M2F Slow MC |
(Sirenski) I Can't Turn Back Into A Man Unless I Defeat the Four Masters! |
kmalloc |
2023-07-22 |
PG |
108 |
RPG Maker MV |
Invol M2F Fem MC |
(Chuuji) Belzeheim and the Calamitous Castle |
kmalloc |
2023-06-07 |
PG |
54 |
RPG Maker MZ |
Invol M2F |
[TSF] Tower ([TSF]塔) |
djweish |
2023-05-17 |
PG |
53 |
RPG Maker MV |
AP AR BE Invol M2F Poss Vol |
(Yonyon) A House with Paintings |
kmalloc |
2023-05-12 |
PG |
112 |
RPG Maker MV |
AR BE Invol M2F Vol |
(Yonyon) Transgate |
kmalloc |
2023-02-05 |
PG |
55 |
RPG Maker VX |
AR Swap BE Invol M2F Fem MC Poss Anthro Vol |
Match Maker |
CircieSA |
2023-01-31 |
PG |
9 |
Ren'Py |
BE Invol Slow Anthro Vol |
Lemurian Leauge |
pneumana |
2023-01-31 |
PG |
10 |
Multimedia Fusion |
Invol Animal Anthro |
The Thackleton Traveler |
Charlsebob |
2022-11-30 |
PG |
64 |
RPG Maker MV |
Invol Slow Myth Anthro |
The Monster Within |
ApolloSeven |
2022-10-22 |
PG |
28 |
Unity |
MC Other Corr |
Yu and Mei |
NandiBear |
2022-08-02 |
PG |
113 |
BE Grow M2F Fem Slow |
Honey and Vinegar |
SweetJacqueline |
2022-05-19 |
PG |
93 |
AR M2F Vol |
I Can Still Be A Hero! |
BlueballsFA |
2022-03-15 |
PG |
108 |
MC Myth Corr Animal Anthro Object |
Fngs Fr Th Mmrs |
FungalDragon |
2022-02-18 |
PG |
15 |
RPG Maker MV |
BE Invol MC Poss Myth Corr Animal |
AzureChange |
Demonatus |
2022-02-15 |
PG |
7 |
Invol Slow Shrink Myth |
Fablewood |
brandygang |
2022-02-01 |
PG |
24 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AP F2M Invol M2F Fem MC Other Bimbo Corr |
Maledictis |
NerIne |
2021-11-15 |
PG |
197 |
RPG Maker MZ |
BE Invol Fem Slow MC Myth Corr |
TF Slot Machine |
ralay |
2021-09-23 |
PG |
75 |
BE M2F Fem Slow MC Other Bimbo Myth Corr Anthro Sissy |
South TF Park |
ralay |
2021-09-19 |
PG |
63 |
BE Grow M2F Fem MC Bimbo Herm Animal Anthro Sissy |
Simulated Escape |
RuruGrgr1023 |
2021-09-06 |
PG |
47 |
RPG Maker MV |
M2F Fem MC |
Runes of Drakonis |
Geehral |
2021-03-04 |
PG |
23 |
Unreal Engine |
Slow Anthro |
[B.A.B.I.E.S] Bright and Bold Incontinence Education System |
KrisK1802 |
2021-01-30 |
PG |
53 |
AR M2F Fem |
Hogwarts Panty Raid |
Terrajune064 |
2021-01-20 |
PG |
62 |
RPG Maker MV |
AR Invol M2F Sissy |
Cyberbunny Camgirl |
meowtch |
2020-10-02 |
PG |
137 |
Swap Slow Corr |
BE Witches |
Nosebecc |
2020-08-20 |
PG |
83 |
Game Maker |
BE Grow |
The Maiden Sealed in Stone |
Saltyjustice |
2020-07-27 |
PG |
22 |
RPG Maker MV |
Other Object |
One Week A Milf |
Perri |
2020-07-07 |
PG |
379 |
AP Swap F2M Invol M2F MC |
Magical Panty Raid: Aprils Fools |
brandygang |
2020-05-07 |
PG |
31 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AP F2M Invol Fem Masc MC Other Poss Bimbo Myth Corr Animal Object |
String Tyrant |
Saltyjustice |
2020-04-28 |
PG |
69 |
Other |
Invol M2F MC Robot Object |
Elsbeth's Small World |
Ailius1 |
2020-04-15 |
PG |
31 |
RPG Maker MV |
Shrink |
Playing Both Sides |
Ailius1 |
2019-09-23 |
PG |
90 |
RPG Maker MV |
M2F |
魔女の館 (Witch's Mansion) |
Liete |
2019-08-06 |
PG |
123 |
Other |
AP AR BE Invol M2F MC Shrink |
Project Circe |
DPlock |
2019-05-26 |
PG |
32 |
RPG Maker MV |
F2M Invol M2F MC Other Myth Corr Animal Vol Sissy |
Liliya’s Requiem |
XxEyiexX |
2019-04-13 |
PG |
46 |
RPG Maker VX |
AR Swap BE Invol M2F MC Other Poss Shrink Myth Animal |
MyAmorette |
cppietime |
2019-02-05 |
PG |
23 |
Java |
AP BE Invol MC Bimbo Myth Corr |
Witch Quest |
AngelGrace |
2018-11-29 |
PG |
103 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
MC Other Poss Corr Anthro |
Cat-ch Meow If You Can |
gyromite |
2018-11-22 |
PG |
51 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Invol M2F Myth Anthro |
Tiresias High |
NandiBear |
2018-10-18 |
PG |
71 |
M2F Slow |
Birth In A Constructed World |
Jhal3mbustion |
2018-10-01 |
PG |
10 |
RPG Maker 2003 |
Swap Invol MC Shrink Myth Vol |
Making Something of Yourself |
Green_Double_Aught |
2018-09-05 |
PG |
372 |
AR Invol M2F Slow MC |
Lets go on an adventure! CYOA |
werenimal |
2018-06-26 |
PG |
16 |
Invol M2F Slow Animal Anthro |
That demo in Orchard (Title subject to change) |
icarue |
2018-06-08 |
PG |
13 |
RPG Maker MV |
BE M2F Slow Vol |
Rothfire Hall |
Charlsebob |
2018-05-18 |
PG |
68 |
RPG Maker MV |
MC Shrink Myth Animal Anthro |
A New Job (Daydreamer Port) |
imperator_mentus |
2018-04-18 |
PG |
3 |
DayDreamer |
Invol M2F Animal |
Into the Mist |
MangaGod |
2018-04-05 |
PG |
19 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AR Invol M2F |
My Girlfriend Won't Give My Body Back |
Luno |
2018-04-05 |
PG |
57 |
Swap F2M Invol M2F MC |
Half & half House Experiment |
Redface5x |
2017-07-08 |
PG |
19 |
RPG Maker VX |
F2M Invol M2F |
The Roaring Serve |
TheRoaringServe |
2017-03-24 |
PG |
29 |
Invol M2F Vol |
Witch's Familiar |
Perri |
2017-02-15 |
PG |
558 |
BE F2M Invol M2F Slow MC Other Bimbo Myth Animal Anthro Object Vol |
Ascenda's Descent |
Director |
2017-01-04 |
PG |
197 |
RPG Maker VX |
Invol M2F MC Myth Corr Anthro Object Vol |
Cyclops project |
spy zefirka |
2016-12-27 |
PG |
3 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Other Myth |
Purrspective |
Charlsebob |
2016-12-22 |
PG |
53 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Invol Slow Anthro |
Maleficium |
brandygang, Goopy |
2016-11-24 |
PG |
54 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AP AR Swap F2M Invol Slow MC Other Poss Bimbo Herm |
Volumetric Enhancement Center |
tovarichchan |
2016-11-09 |
PG |
25 |
Java |
BE Grow Slow Shrink Vol |
A Journey to Happiness |
Lyth |
2016-08-27 |
PG |
38 |
RPG Maker MV |
AP AR F2M Invol M2F MC Animal Anthro |
Indebted |
MintChip |
2016-08-19 |
PG |
51 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Invol M2F Slow MC |
Apocalypse of Dawn |
Maileesaeya |
2016-08-04 |
PG |
10 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Invol MC Myth Corr Vol |
Salon Deesee: The Church of Cosmetology |
SinComics |
2016-07-24 |
PG |
18 |
Other |
Invol M2F Slow MC Bimbo |
Treasure of Atlantis |
brandygang, Goop-Wizard |
2016-06-18 |
PG |
10 |
RPG Maker MV |
Invol M2F MC Other Myth Corr Robot Anthro |
Womenization Scenario |
Batman645 |
2016-04-09 |
PG |
5 |
Other |
Invol M2F MC |
Call of the Valkyrie |
kinuyasha2 |
2016-02-01 |
PG |
14 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
M2F |
Ghost |
TedK |
2015-11-24 |
PG |
17 |
F2M Invol M2F Slow MC Poss Bimbo Myth Vol |
Not Named Yet |
demoathon |
2015-10-07 |
PG |
16 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Invol M2F Slow MC |
Landlord's Lament |
wibble |
2015-09-14 |
PG |
49 |
MC Other |
Missadventures at the Mall |
Yukii |
2015-08-21 |
PG |
335 |
BE F2M Invol M2F Slow MC SheM |
Week by Week |
Mr. Sister Lifter |
2015-08-10 |
PG |
9 |
BE Invol Slow |
(Yonyon) Escape: Swapped (Dasshutsu Irekawari) |
kmalloc |
2015-07-28 |
PG |
76 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AP AR Swap F2M M2F Vol |
(Yonyon) Zombie-R |
kmalloc |
2015-07-21 |
PG |
221 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
BE Invol M2F Slow MC SheM |
Sea Cruise |
Thom Revor & Pip |
2015-07-08 |
PG |
27 |
BE Invol M2F MC Bimbo Myth Robot |
Transformation Quest |
hungerpoint95 |
2015-04-24 |
PG |
2 |
Quest |
Myth Anthro Vol |
Assentia |
Kaeil |
2015-03-21 |
PG |
22 |
Invol M2F Slow MC SheM Vol |
Delete this |
gameaddict74 |
2015-03-11 |
PG |
17 |
RPG Maker VX |
AP AR BE Invol M2F |
The Mirror, Take 2 |
Decker |
2015-03-07 |
PG |
79 |
AR BE Invol M2F Slow MC |
The Journey |
Dog_Girl_Kari |
2015-02-07 |
PG |
15 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
Anthro |
Project Shadow |
AngelofRevelation |
2014-08-28 |
PG |
6 |
Possession |
breachinghell |
2014-06-26 |
PG |
14 |
RPG Maker VX |
F2M Invol M2F Poss Corr Animal Vol |
Zombie |
Liete |
2014-06-04 |
PG |
143 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
BE Invol M2F Slow MC Herm |
Castle Escape |
brandygang |
2014-05-26 |
PG |
46 |
RPG Maker VX |
AP AR F2M Invol M2F MC Other Bimbo Shrink Object |
John's Escape |
Maelyn |
2014-05-19 |
PG |
15 |
RPG Maker VX |
Invol M2F MC Myth Object |
Escape |
Maelyn |
2014-05-19 |
PG |
12 |
RPG Maker XP |
Invol M2F MC Myth |
Trans Tropic Isle |
Goopy |
2014-04-10 |
PG |
69 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AR Invol M2F MC Myth |
Forest of Change |
Goopy |
2014-04-10 |
PG |
68 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AR Invol M2F MC Myth |
Camp Terra Glen |
SinComics |
2014-02-16 |
PG |
7 |
Invol M2F MC |
Aurora's Ascension |
Maileesaeya |
2014-01-22 |
PG |
72 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AP Invol M2F MC Bimbo |
Kokuhuku |
YonYon, Shade |
2014-01-21 |
PG |
13 |
RPG Maker VX |
Invol M2F |
Masterson Inheritance |
2013-09-19 |
PG |
4 |
Poss |
A City Crumbles |
silverfox |
2013-09-06 |
PG |
3 |
Other |
M2F Myth Anthro |
Advent Land |
draci |
2013-05-05 |
PG |
7 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
AR BE Invol M2F Shrink Corr Animal |
Angelic Visit |
OTPiccolo |
2013-01-12 |
PG |
5 |
TFJeweled |
M2F MC Myth Corr Anthro |
Strange Encounters |
OTPiccolo |
2013-01-07 |
PG |
3 |
TFJeweled |
AR F2M Invol M2F MC Bimbo |
Welcome to the Dork Side |
fever.dreamer |
2013-01-05 |
PG |
5 |
DayDreamer |
Invol MC Bimbo |
Getting Wet |
Comet |
2012-08-10 |
PG |
2 |
DayDreamer |
M2F |
Sasu's First Game |
sasukai |
2012-05-12 |
PG |
3 |
Invol M2F |
Third Law |
2012-05-06 |
PG |
5 |
RPG Maker VX Ace |
M2F MC Bimbo Animal Object |
Biological Clock |
steffi.maid |
2011-07-13 |
PG |
12 |
AR Invol MC Other |